FHC Colloquiums

FHC Colloquiums

Open conversations which welcome participants and observers.

Who can join?
• Furman faculty, staff, and students.
• Meetings could include guest speaker(s) to contribute to conversation.

How can people join?
• Faculty or staff sponsor will send out call invitation for participants.

What does this look like?
• Facilitated conversation based on the reading(s) that is open to convergences, divergences, tangents, formulaic responses, queries, and daydreams.
• A faculty or staff sponsor (or group of sponsors) will determine the readings and organize the colloquium and meeting places for the semester.
• Sponsor stores selected readings on Box for reference and provides brief program summary mid-semester and/or at close of semester.
• Example reading selections and email invite upon request. Contact humanities@furman.edu for access to these materials.

When do people gather?
• Participants may come and go and participate as often or as little as they choose.
• Participants will gather to discuss new readings/viewings every 2-3 weeks during the semester.
• Roughly 12 meetings annually (biweekly to monthly, 6 minimum per semester).

$4,200 total
• Colloquium leadership/administration: $1,200
i. Roughly 12 meetings annually (biweekly to monthly, 6 min per semester)
ii. Each meeting could include support up to $100 for administration/facilitation
iii. These amounts can be awarded to co-leaders/co-facilitators or individuals as needed, in consultation with FHC
• Colloquium Participation: $1,000
i. Cover meeting costs (material items to enhance participation in the colloquium, food or beverage, colloquium swag)
ii. Can be used to cover library acquisition of materials for colloquium participants, in consultation with FHC
• Colloquium Engagement: $2,000
i. Cover expenses related to creating opportunities for either/or or both/and:
1. Extended or public engagement (external speaker fees, travel, expenses for hosting a CLP or similar event on campus)
2. Expanding interdisciplinary or faculty-student collaboration emerging from the colloquium (research expenses, researcher stipends, or project-based learning expenses)
ii. Could be applied in other ways, in consultation with FHC
• FHC can support up to 4 Colloquia a year